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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dropbox:- A Backup Service

Dropbox is a freemium backup service. The free version gives you 2 GB of space free. However you can get more space (till 16 GB)by referring your friends in it (each friend you refer-500MB) and also by completing some special offers. The premium version gives 50 Gb of space to store your files.

As I always forget my pendrive, this backup service is like a godsend for me. Anything I put in my Dropbox folder can be accesed from anywhere, my friend's computer, my dad's laptop and even my mother's phone, possibly anything with an internet connection.

For example, if I have a project work which I have to do in school, I can easily keep it in dropbox and edit it in my school without even having to touch my pen drive. With dropbox, we can also easily start a bittorrent download(remotely) from anywhere.I will write a post about this later.There is no end to just how useful Dropbox is.

 Another feature I like about dropbox is that if you upload a large file, make some changes and again upload it in Dropbox, Dropbox will not upload it all again but will only upload the updated parts of the file. In this way a lot of bandwidth is saved.

   So what are you waiting for? Create a free account with Dropbox (if you  join from this link you'll get 2.5 GB space, really)and start thinking of your own ways of using it.

Ditulis Oleh : Baibhav Bista // 8:17 AM


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