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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How to:- Make Utorrent Completely Invisible

   In my home, I have a shared computer i.e. my brother uses it too. But when I start to download something by Utorrent, he closes it saying that the internet will be slow although he only plays GTA Vice City. So, I searched in the net for a solution to the problem and found a very useful solution. This is how Utorrent is made invisible:-

Configure utorrent to be invisible
  1. Open utorrent
  2. Go to options menu and choose "Preferences".
  3. In the left sidebar choose General.
  4. In Privacy choose the boss key
  5. If you want, you can enable utorrent to hide in startup, for it, tick on start Utorrent in Startup. Then , go to the startup folder, go to properties of the utorrent shortcut and add /hide to the utorrent.exe".
  6. Then if you press the shortcut key, then utorrent wil dissapear. IF you press it again, it will reappear.
 So, this is how we can make utorrent completely invisible 

Ditulis Oleh : Baibhav Bista // 6:53 AM


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